Yes, I agree. Very good analysis of the filings...
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if they were able to win on this ground, they could get out completely (although it could still be appealed to the ca supreme court).
Yes, I agree. Very good analysis of the filings...
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
At the moment the group is incorporated under that name, so that is the name that will be used for the time being.
Please continue to submit suggestions for better names.
Before that name was settled on, there was a lot of debate and many suggestions were offered. It is always best to present a "positive" image of the group, but sometimes a stronger, more forceful name is more effective early in the game. We want to make sure that everyone knows which side of the fence we are all staning on at the onset.
A name like "Jehovah's Witness Support Team" is nice, but what does it mean? Are we for, or against? Are we a subsidiary of the Watchtower, or an anti-Watchtower group? I could go on and on, but today I don't want to bore you. I will save that for another post.
There are as many, if not more, supporters for the name as it is and there are critics. I'm sure that the name will be a major discussion topic at every meeting of the board for the foreseeable future.
So please read line 2 again and go forth...
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
"the brief statedthat [ t]hat letter [a 1997 letter to boe] also confirmed watchtower's long-standing policy that a known child molester does not qualify to be appointed to a position of responsibility in any congregation.
i can assure you all that Candace and her attorney and dozens of her friends have access to copies of that letter.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Quiet One - We all have at least two questions. Nothing is set in concrete (you have no idea how many changes we made in the last 24 hours before going online). Along with our questions, we all know that none of us has the answers, but we have to start some where and get this ball rolling or nothing will get done.
Originally Richard Kelly wanted to be the anti-type of Judge Rutherford, I would be C T Russel, and Cedars was going to be Fred Franz in our replacement version of the Governing Body. But we all realized that Danmera, Barbara, and Lady Lee were all more efficient, smarter, and better looking than we were. Would Governing Body 2.0 have to allow women to be members? And then there were the foreigners, Bo and Paul. Would we have to give them equal status over us Americans and a Brit? Unheard of apostacy!
But I can't grow a decent beard, Dick Kelly isn't the dictator type, and Cedars is not batshit crazy (although I hear he does walk around with a pocket protector and stares at his shoes).
So I guess our group will have to take a entirely new approach to being Governing Body 2.0. Somehow I think we will just be ourselves and join with the other volunteers to achieve our goal. We don't want to become the new Governing Body, but find ways to get the current governing body to change their ways in positive and loving ways. They can keep their jobs - we don't want them. But they need to do a lot better serving their flock. That is our goal.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
The new website has been visited well over 1500 times within the first two hours.
Thank everyone of you for your fine support. AAWA will do its best to live up to your hopes and expectations!
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Volunteer application is now available in both Word .doc and editable PDF versions. If they don't work, send a contact or email request and we'll email you one as an attachment.
facebook the association of anti-watchtower activists.
Looks like there may be a broken link to the volunteer questionaire. No problem - we'll have it fixed very soon.
gregg, we are deeply sorry for your loss.
you will be with us in our thoughts & prayers.
So sad. Sorry to hear the news. Gregg, be strong...
part 2 of the interview series has now been uploaded to youtube..
for those who are unfamiliar, this is the second part of a series of videos covering an interview with candace conti and rick simons where the questions were posed by members of this forum.. questions answered in this video are.... .
(to rick, asked by hoffnung) why was watch tower bible & tract society of pennsylvania, together with more watchtower corporations, not sued as well?.
I'm going to step in here for just a moment to answer one part of Chaserious' questions and remarks.
If you look at the credits at the end of each video you will see that along with Kathleen Conti, I was filming the interviews. I was running the main camera and offscreen asking the questions.
When we came to that particular question I was so offended by its tone that I wasn't going to ask it. As "director" by default, I made a snap decision NOT TO ASK that question and just move on. Candace objected and told me to go ahead and ask. I looked at Rick Simons for support of my position and was shocked when he looked at Candace and then back at me and said, "If Candace is OK with it, so am I." So overruled by both of them, I read the question and turned on the camera. What you see in the video is their response as given.
Even though my involvement in this affair has been limited, mostly as videographer and editor of the first set of Conti videos, I can assure all of you of two things:
1. Candace has never backed down on answering a question. Although Mr. Simons was present at both tapings, I never once saw him coach Candace or tell her not to answer a question. She has never worked from prepared notes, but has always answered truthfully and straight from her heart.
And this answer is directed to responders like Chaserious:
2. Both Candace, and to an even greater extent for her mother, Kathleen, hurtful and non-supportive questions are painful and strike to their hearts. Honest questions about facts and legal issues are fine, but for some reason those who seem to have some problem with the outcome of the case do not go after the questions of law - but prefer to attack the reputations and personal life stories of Candace and Kathleen. Those kinds of questions completely miss the point of the case: The women are not on trial for any actions they may have taken or events in their lives. Jonathan Kendrick is a convicted child molester who is listed on local offender lists and also on the national Megan's Law listings. The elders at North Fremont have admitted that they failed to notify the authorities or to warn the other members of the congregation that a molester was in their midst. There is hard and undisputed evidence that the elders at North Fremont were following existing Watchtower policy and were getting direct orders from the Service and Legal departments in New York. Candace Conti's personal life was not on trial and never will be.
I believe in forums like this because they give us all a chance to vent, respond, and ask questions of our own. I don't believe this is the place to pass on gossip or question the reputations of others (except publicly exposed criminals).
Miss Conti answered the question and answered it well. Rick Simons clarified some of those issues as they related to the trial. Let's leave it at that.
Please, Chaserious, do us all a favor and show some respect for the Contis and just drop it. I can assure you that you've got it all wrong.